I'm Jealous...

I am jealous...
Not of the social butterfly, or the popular girl, or even the pretty one, but of those who have so much confidence. Of those who don't struggle with inferiority complex. Of the who don't have to rethink their words after they're spoken. Of those who don't feel guilty calling others out. 

I'm jealous...
Not of those who are pretty, but of those who feel comfortable in their skin. Of those who don't have to rethink their outfit choices. Of those who don't overthink the food they consume. Of those who have perfect glowy skin. Of those whose backs don't form love handles.

I'm jealous...
Not of the teacher's pet, but of those who have everything figured out. Of those who don't rethink their life choices. Of those who feel confident of their answers. Of those who don't have to worry about upcoming exams. Of those who know they're gonna excell no matter what.

I'm jealous...
Not of the jolly kid, but of those who are living, not surviving. Of those who can live in the moment without having to think about the consequences. Of those who stress less and enjoy more. Of those who are smiling more than weeping.

But then I think to myself...
There are people who are jealous of my smiling face, my intellect, my social energy, my grades, my laugh, my life, and maybe my everything.

So in that case,
I'm jealous of myself...


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